Fengate celebrates Best Managed Companies award

April 20, 2017

Fengate was very proud to be honoured at the annual Canada’s Best Managed Companies gala on April 19th and celebrate its Platinum Club membership requalification. The 2017 Best Managed program recognizes the best-in-class of Canadian-owned and managed companies with revenues over $15 million demonstrating strategy, capability and commitment to achieve sustainable growth. Fengate first achieved Best Managed status in 2007 and has maintained this designation for the past ten years.

award recognitionEstablished in 1993, Canada’s Best Managed Companies is one of the country’s leading business awards programs recognizing Canadian-owned and managed companies for innovative, world-class business practices. Winners are an important engine of economic growth for being adaptable and sustainable in a global market. Applicants are evaluated by an independent judging panel made up of judges from Deloitte, CIBC, Canadian Business, Smith School of Business and MacKay CEO Forums. Best Managed companies share commonalities that include an emphasis on culture and people, innovation, sustained performance and strong financial results.

Fengate has achieved Best Managed status since 2007 by being strategically focused on attracting, investing in and retaining the talent needed to support their objectives while developing an engaging workplace culture for their employees. “Fengate’s track record is unlike any other, and we couldn’t be more proud,” said Lou Serafini Jr., President and CEO of Fengate. “Our investors benefit from the unmatched experience and full scope of expertise within Fengate’s integrated team.”

Photos from the gala can be viewed.

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