2023 Sustainability Report
The 2023 Sustainability Report discloses relevant information regarding material ESG topics for our business in 2023 and Q1 of 2024. This report highlights key initiatives we have undertaken over the past year, and contains forward-looking statements on our progress and direction. This report covers Fengate’s three verticals – infrastructure, private equity and real estate (business units) – and directly addresses the disclosure recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) for each business unit.
Renewable energy
generation capacity
Renewable energy
generated in 20231
LEED silver or gold-certified social and transportation investments2
Net energy savings in 20233
Liters of water saved in 20233
Diversion rate of commercial
property waste from landfills3
Cumulative construction
union work hours created4
Hospital beds delivered
Hours volunteered to our communities
Executives are women
Years recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies
1. Does not include renewable energy generation from assets disposed during the 2023 reporting period
2. Out of this, three assets are targeting LEED Silver or Gold-Certified
3. Fengate Commercial Income Fund properties
4. Across 5 recently completed or in construction infrastructure projects

Fengate is the recipient of Waterstone Human Capital’s 2022 Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures award for a three year period. This national program, now in its 19th year, annually recognizes best-in-class Canadian organizations for having cultures that have helped them enhance performance and sustain a competitive advantage.
2023 Sustainability Report
The 2023 Sustainability Report discloses relevant information regarding material ESG topics for our business in 2023 and Q1 of 2024. This report highlights key initiatives we have undertaken over the past year, and contains forward-looking statements on our progress and direction. This report covers Fengate’s three verticals – infrastructure, private equity and real estate (business units) – and directly addresses the disclosure recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) for each business unit.